Oh so ominous your music
the theme song of you
that I hear in my mind
when you approach.
Feelings of you render
me cliche
(worse than could be
and I am sorry for that
as you deserve words so poignant that I could never

Do not ask me to explain
what feral emotion has
transmogrified me into.
I doubt this serious. It
must be a small and passing thing,
for I don't know you well at all.
Yet I covet,
desire rising to my cheeks,
blushing for me,
everytime I say hello.
And after I say goodbye,
my hands rise to slap
the stupidity of those cheeks
(even while futility drives them away).

Oh so ominous is the music
that plays in a professional kiss
so that it takes away all the falseness
and keeps only the reality of emotion.