Colours of Comfort

I used to turn to the heavens
For most anything
For faith, comfort
At night I would escape
To another realm through the heavens
But I went away, and came back changed
Experiences do that to people
And now, as before, I look up in the heavens
For that comfort
But all I can see are the stars
And so they offered me the comfort sought
And my life went on
But then I went away once more
And once again came back changed.
Experiences can do that to people
And now, as times before, I look up to the heavens
And to the stars for comfort
But now I see nothing
And my solemn eyes, eyes that had searched,
Leave the skies empty and depressed
I take out the sharp stone
And press the cold to my writst
It is cold comfort
I press the sharp edge deeper
Feel the pain and blood rise to the surface
I die, and the comfort takes me away
I now look to the sky
To the stars
To the heavens
And see a million colors of comfort.