{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\deflang1033{\fonttbl {\f0\fnil\fprq2\fcharset0 Teletype;}{\f1\fnil\fcharset0 Times New Roman;}} {\colortbl ;\red0\green0\blue0;} \uc1\pard\cf1\lang2057\ulnone\f0\fs20\tab - 1-\par \pard\qc\par \pard PRODUCTION NOTES ROLL\par \par \tab - 2 -\par \pard\qc\par \pard EXTERIOR: CAPELLA HOUSE\par \par It\rquote s a nice, quiet house in a sub-rural setting. Flowers bloom, leafs are green, and everything seems \par perfect. Camera takes in the whole picture first, then zooms in towards the door, which opens to \par let us in. Camera briefly swivels around to show interior. We hear a voice say:\par \par \pard\qc KATHRYN (O.S.)\par \pard\tab\tab\tab Honey, I\rquote m home. Where are you?\par \par Camera swings to focus on the kitchen, where we see a man preparing a Kraft macaroni and cheese \par dinner. The kitchen is a mess- bowls are unclean with cooking residue and the water boiling on \par the stove is about to brim over.\par \par \pard\qc WILLIAM \par \pard\tab\tab\tab I\rquote m here in the kitchen, trying to make you dinner.\par \par Zoom into the kitchen where we see WILLIAM placing a bowl containing butter in the microwave. \par The camera then swivels to reveal our first glance of KATHRYN.\par \par \pard\qc KATHRYN\par \pard\tab\tab\tab That\rquote s so sweet of you.\par \par She gives him a hug and a little kiss.\par \par \pard\qc WILLIAM\par (still holding her in his arms- he\rquote s missed her the entire day and doesn\rquote t want to let her go)\par \pard\tab\tab\tab Well, I know you had a long, hard day at the office.\par \par \pard\qc KATHRYN\par \pard\tab\tab\tab It looks like you had an even busier day here. \par \par She steps out of his embrace and picks up a pot.\par \par \pard\fi720\li1440 What is all this mess?\par \pard\par \pard\qc WILLIAM\par (grimly)\par \pard\tab\tab\tab Dinner.\par \par \pard\qc KATHRYN\par \pard\tab\tab\tab No, seriously. What is it?\par \par \pard\qc WILLIAM\par \pard\tab\tab\tab I am being serious. That\rquote s our dinner.\par \par \pard\qc KATHRYN\par (makes a face as she inspects the pot)\par \pard\tab\tab\tab Maybe we should just go out for dinner tonight.\par \par The microwave beeps its reply.\par \par \pard\qc WILLIAM\par (looks alarmed and devastated)\par \pard\tab\tab\tab No! Look, I\rquote m almost done with the macaroni and cheese.\par \par He takes the bowl out and peers into it. It\rquote s clear to us he\rquote s agitated.\par \par \tab\tab\tab Not again!\par \par \pard\qc KATHRYN\par (curious)\par \pard\tab\tab\tab What is it?\par \par \pard\qc WILLIAM\par \pard\li2160 The damn butter disappeared. Again. This is the eighth time it\rquote s happened. At \par first I thought it was just a cooking fluke, but when it happens eight times one\rquote s \par thinking tends to meander towards butter conspiracies.\par \pard\qc\par KATHRYN\par (shocked)\par \pard\tab\tab\tab Eight times? It disappeared eight times? \par \par WILLIAM nods.\par \par \pard\qc (mutters)\par \pard\tab\tab\tab This sort of thing never happened when I was cooking.\par \par \pard\qc WILLIAM\par (not sarcastically- he honestly didn\rquote t hear her)\par \pard\tab\tab\tab What was that, Kathy?\par \par \pard\qc KATHRYN\par \pard\tab\tab\tab Oh, nothing.\par \pard\qc\par WILLIAM\par \pard\tab\tab\tab Well, this is the last time. I\rquote m calling the police.\par \par He picks up the phone and dials 911.\par \par \pard\li2160 Hello? Police? Yes, I\rquote d like to report a kidnapping. (beat) Well, it\rquote s about two \par centimeters long, kind of yellow, and completely fat free. (beat) What? No, \par this isn\rquote t a joke. (beat) Er, well, the box says \ldblquote I Can\rquote t Believe It\rquote s Not Butter\rdblquote . \par And let me tell you something- I can\rquote t believe it\rquote s not butter if it\rquote s been \par kidnapped. (beat) This is William Capella; who is this?\par \pard\par He takes the phone from his ears and stares at it, then turns to KATHRYN.\par \par \pard\li2160 He laughed and hung up on me. Well, that was rude. Hey, don\rquote t you have a \par friend who works at the FBI?\par \pard\qc\par KATHRYN\par (a bit unsure)\par \pard\li2160 Er, well, I do, but I haven\rquote t talked to him in years. I\rquote m not sure he\rquote ll even \par remember me.\par \pard\par \pard\qc WILLIAM\par \pard\li2160 How could anyone forget a beautiful face such as yours? Now call him!\par \pard\par KATHRYN sighs, then reluctantly picks up the phone.\par \par \tab - 3 -\par \pard\qc\par \pard INTERIOR: FBI OFFICE\par \par It\rquote s a small and cramped corner office with a desk cluttered with papers and four chairs \par rearranged haphazardly. AGENT BRYANT sits behind his desk, and his partner, AGENT DUNWICH, \par sits next to it. The CAPELLAs are in the other two chairs.\par \par \pard\qc BRYANT\par (his eyes are on KATHRYN the entire time)\par \pard\li2160 Oh, you could imagine how pleased I was to hear from KitKat after all these \par years.\par \pard\par WILLIAM turns to KATHRYN and mouths \ldblquote KitKat?\rdblquote , a mixtured look of horror, shock, disbelief, \par and ridicule on his face. She gives him a bear-with-it kind of look, then turns her attention back \par to the FBI agents.\par \par \pard\qc DUNWICH\par (sarcastically; she doesn\rquote t think highly of her partner.)\par \pard\li2160 I bet you were even more pleased when you heard she had a husband.\par \pard\par \pard\qc BRYANT\par (ignores her)\par \pard\tab\tab\tab What happened between us, KitKat? We used to be so close.\par \par \pard\qc KATHRYN\par \pard\tab\tab\tab I don\rquote t know, Alex. It\rquote s been so long, it\rquote s hard to remember.\par \par AGENT DUNWICH is getting bored with this conversation. She turns her attention towards \par WILLIAM.\par \par \pard\qc DUNWICH\par \pard\li2160 So, you say someone\rquote s been kidnapped. You don\rquote t seem to be too concerned for \par his welfare. \par \pard\qc\par WILLIAM\par \pard\li2160 Er, well, that\rquote s because it\rquote s not a someone. You see, everytime I put butter in \par the microwave, it mysteriously vanishes.\par \pard\par It\rquote s not everyday butter vanishes- this gets BRYANT\rquote s attention and piques DUNWICH\rquote s interest.\par \par \pard\qc DUNWICH\par \pard\li2160 Are you sure it wasn\rquote t just a cooking fluke? They do happen, you know.\par \pard\par \pard\qc WILLIAM\par \pard\tab\tab\tab I\rquote m sure. It disappeared eight times!\par \par \pard\qc DUNWICH\par \pard\fi720\li1440 Eight times?!\par \pard\par WILLIAM nods.\par \tab\tab\tab (to KATHRYN)\par \tab\tab\tab This must never have happened when you were cooking.\par \par KATHRYN nods her affirmation as BRYANT jumps up.\par \par \pard\qc BRYANT\par \pard\li2160 Eight times! I knew it! KitKat, Mr. Capella, your butter has been abducted by \par aliens.\par \pard\qc\par WILLIAM\par (reacts)\par \pard\tab\tab\tab Aliens? Oh, dear!\par \par He begins to look for aliens high and low, under the desk, in the trash can. He empties it.\par \par \pard\qc KATHRYN \par (simultaneously w/ DUNWICH)\par \pard\tab\tab\tab Alex!\par \par \pard\qc DUNWICH\par (simultaneously w/ KATHRYN)\par \pard\tab\tab\tab Bryant!\par \par \pard\qc TOGETHER\par \pard\tab\tab\tab Knock it off!\par \par \pard\qc BRYANT\par (holds his hands up in mock defeat)\par \pard\li2160 All right, all right! Yeesh, you guys really can\rquote t take a joke. Mr. Capella, I was \par just kidding. Aliens don\rquote t exist, so logically they couldn\rquote t have abducted your \par butter.\par \pard\par \pard\qc WILLIAM\par \pard\li2160 Logically (pretends to spit). I never took much stock with that logic \par nonsense.\par \pard\par It suddenly occurs to him that if aliens didn\rquote t take it, someone else had to.\par \par \tab\tab\tab Well, wait, if aliens didn\rquote t take it, who did?\par \par \pard\qc BRYANT\par \pard\li2160 Hmm, I didn\rquote t think of that. Fortunately, I don\rquote t have to. The FBI is not the \par right agency for the job. You\rquote ll need to go to the NCAA.\par \pard\qc\par KATHRYN\par \pard\tab\tab\tab NCAA? What\rquote s that?\par \par \pard\qc BRYANT\par \pard\li2160 So glad you asked that. The NCAA is the National Culinary Arts Agency. They\rquote re \par equipped to deal with mysteries such as disappearing butter.\par \pard\qc\par KATHRYN\par \pard\tab\tab\tab (to WILLIAM)\par \tab\tab\tab Well, I guess that\rquote s our next stop.\par \par She and WILLIAM stand and get ready to leave.\par \tab\tab\tab\par \tab\tab\tab (to the AGENTs)\par \tab\tab\tab Thank you for all your help.\par \par \pard\qc BRYANT\par \pard\tab\tab\tab KitKat? Let\rquote s keep in touch, huh?\par \par KATHRYN nods, then she and WILLIAM exit.\par \par \tab\tab\tab (shouts to their retreating backs)\par \pard\li2160 Hey, call me day or night if you ever want to talk! Or if you want anything \par else from me. And if you ever want to leave your husband, you know where to \par find me. I\rquote ve got a lot to offer (points southward).\par \pard\par \pard\qc DUNWICH\par \pard\fi720\li1440 You\rquote re pathetic.\par \pard\par \pard\qc BRYANT\par \pard\tab\tab\tab That\rquote s why you love me, right babe?\par \par \pard\qc DUNWICH\par (rolls her eyes)\par \pard\tab\tab\tab Yeah, right.\par \par She exits, leaving a depressed looking BRYANT alone.\par \par \tab - 4 -\par \pard\qc\par \pard INTERIOR: OFFICES OF THE NCAA\par \par From what we see, these offices are much nicer, roomier and cheerier than the ones at the FBI. It\rquote s \par obvious that the NCAA has a big budget, though from what is unknown. A secretary sits at a desk, \par filing away at her nails and chewing gum. The CAPELLAs enter.\par \par \pard\qc SECRETARY\par (doesn\rquote t stop filing her nails)\par \pard\tab\tab\tab What can I do you for?\par \par \pard\qc KATHRYN\par \pard\tab\tab\tab How about a manicure?\par \par \pard\qc SECRETARY\par (doesn\rquote t get the little joke)\par \pard\li2160 Lady, this is the NCAA. In case you don\rquote t know, that means this is the offices \par of the National Culinary Arts Agency. It is not a beauty salon. \par \pard\par She snaps her gum.\par \par \pard\li2160 Now, do you have business here, or do I have to call security?\par \pard\par \pard\qc WILLIAM\par \pard\tab\tab\tab We\rquote d like to report a culinary mystery.\par \par \pard\qc SECRETARY\par \pard\tab\tab\tab Who referred you?\par \par \pard\qc KATHRYN\par \pard\tab\tab\tab A friend of mine over at the FBI. Agent Alex Bryant.\par \par \pard\qc SECRETARY\par (gestures to the waiting area)\par \pard\li2160 Take a seat. Chef Agent Author Phenkursh will be with you in a moment.\par \pard\par \pard\qc KATHRYN\par \pard\fi720\li1440 Don\rquote t you mean Chief Agent?\par \pard\par \pard\qc SECRETARY\par \pard\tab\tab\tab No.\par \par \pard\qc KATHRYN\par \pard\tab\tab\tab Oh.\par \par The CAPELLAs take a seat.\par \par \pard\qc WILLIAM\par \pard\tab\tab\tab Friendly woman, isn\rquote t she?\par \pard\qc\par \pard The camera zooms in on the clock, which reads 5:25. The hands suddenly go crazy, and fast-forward \par to 6:45. CUT back to the CAPELLAs, reading magazines and generally fidgeting. Suddenly a door \par creaks open, and out steps CHEF AGENT AUTHOR PHENKURSH. He is dressed all in black- a typical \par MiB.\par \par \pard\qc PHENKURSH\par \pard\li2160 What\rquote s this big culinary mystery I\rquote ve been hearing so much about in the past \par hour and twenty five minutes that I\rquote m supposedly investigating?\par \pard\par \pard\qc SECRETARY\par (gestures to WILLIAM and KATHRYN)\par \pard\tab\tab\tab Ask them.\par \par She goes back to filing her nails as PHENKURSH looks to the CAPELLAs for an explanation.\par \par \pard\qc WILLIAM\par \pard\li2160 Er, well, I was cooking dinner this afternoon for my wife here, and when I put \par the butter in the microwave, it disappeared. Eight times.\par \pard\par \pard\qc SECRETARY\par (to KATHRYN)\par \pard\tab\tab\tab This never happened when you cooked, did it?\par \par KATHRYN shakes her head.\par \par \pard\qc PHENKURSH\par \pard\tab\tab\tab And you\rquote ve been to the FBI already? \par \par WILLIAM nods.\par \par \tab\tab\tab Well, they must have ruled out aliens already. \par \par WILLIAM nods again.\par \par \pard\li2160 I\rquote m all out of ideas. Perhaps you\rquote d like to take me to the scene of the crime?\par \pard\par WILLIAM nods yet again.\par \par \tab - 5 -\par EXTERIOR: HIGHWAY\par \par A car moves from Point A to Point B during the twilight hours.\par \par \tab - 6 -\par INTERIOR: CAPELLA HOUSE\par \par Again, everything is quiet, perfect. WILLIAM and KATHRYN have just finished giving PHENKURSH \par a tour of the house and are now in the kitchen.\par \par \pard\qc PHENKURSH\par \pard\tab\tab\tab Just like the others. \par \par He shakes his head and makes a clicking sound with his tongue as he writes something down on \par his notepad.\par \par \pard\qc KATHRYN\par \pard\tab\tab\tab What others?\par \par \pard\qc PHENKURSH\par (looks up)\par \pard\li2160 Hmm? Oh, the others. All across America, butter is being stolen right from \par people\rquote s own microwaves. There is something seriously wrong in the world \par when a man can\rquote t be sure his own butter will be safe in his microwave.\par \pard\par \pard\qc WILLIAM\par (musing, thinking, pondering, wondering, speculating, meditating, cogitating, contemplating)\par \pard\li2160 Say, what if the butter really is being abducted by aliens? I\rquote ve been thinking- \par who else has the technology to remove something that\rquote s been enclosed in four \par walls, a top and a bottom and then replace it with yellow watery stuff? The \par aliens must have used some sort of transporter technology to do it.\par \pard\par PHENKURSH has been getting more and more anxious with every word that WILLIAM has uttered.\par \par \pard\qc KATHRYN\par \pard\tab\tab\tab Like in Star Trek?\par \par \pard\qc WILLIAM\par (bingo!)\par \pard\li2160 Like in Star Trek. Chef Agent Phenkursh, your agency has investigated these \par mysterious disappearances all across America, has it not?\par \pard\par \pard\qc PHENKURSH\par (nervously)\par \pard\li2160 Er, yes. Why? Just what are you insinuating? I\rquote ll have you know we had \par nothing to do with it!\par \par \pard\qc WILLIAM\par (confused)\par \pard\li2160 I wasn\rquote t insinuating anything. But you sure are acting nervous all of a \par sudden. Why? Did you have something to do with it?\par \pard\par \pard\qc PHENKURSH\par (angry)\par \pard\tab\tab\tab NO! I already told you I didn\rquote t.\par \par He studies WILLIAM and KATHRYN for a moment, then gets a guilty conscience for lying.\par \par \pard\li2160 All right! All right! Stop with the 20 questions already! Let up on the third \par degree! The NCAA had everything to do with it! We\rquote ve been hoarding butter \par using our reverse-engineered alien transporter technology to beam it out and \par beam in a yellow watery substance in its place- just like in Star Trek.\par \pard\par \pard\qc KATHRYN\par \pard\tab\tab\tab But why would the National Culinary Arts Agency do that?\par \par \pard\qc PHENKURSH\par (he begins to rant and rave and pull at his hair)\par \pard\li2160 We\rquote re not the National Culinary Arts Agency. We\rquote re the National Conspiracy \par Agents of America, and we\rquote re doing it so that in the future, when the cows \par have become an extinct species because of the aliens doing that mutilation \par thing they do, we\rquote ll have the world\rquote s supply of butter at our fingertips, \par cryogenically frozen, just waiting to be sold to the unsuspecting public for at \par least ten times the market value.\par \pard\par \pard\qc WILLIAM\par (shocked)\par \pard\tab\tab\tab Oh, you horrible horrible people!\par \pard\qc PHENKURSH\par \pard\li2160 Oh, I don\rquote t care what you think of us! We\rquote ll be rich and you\rquote ll be poor and \par you\rquote ll never have any butter! \par \pard\par He begins to laugh meglomaniacally. As he does, he goes into the refrigerator and grabs the butter, \par then places it into the microwave. He then taps a black NCAA insignia pin on his chest, and says:\par \tab\tab\tab\par \pard\li2160 Beam it up, Scotty! Mwahahahahahahahaha! Oh, yes, and send the ninjas to the \par Capella house.\par \pard\par \pard\qc KATHRYN\par (gasps)\par \pard\tab\tab\tab Ninjas? What ninjas?\par \par \pard\qc PHENKURSH\par \pard\tab\tab\tab These ninjas!\par \par He continues to laugh meglomaniacally as NINJAS flood the room and take a fighting stance.\par \par \tab\tab\tab You\rquote ve heard too much. Now you must die!\par \par \pard\qc WILLIAM\par \pard\tab\tab\tab That\rquote s what you think! I know Tae Kwon Doe!\par \par WILLIAM does a few impressive ninja-like manuevers, then assumes a fighting stance.\par \par \pard\qc PHENKURSH\par (points to WILLIAM and KATHRYN)\par \pard\tab\tab\tab After them!\par \par The NINJAS follow their order, and do a few impressive manuevers of their own. WILLIAM is \par ready for them and assumes a defensive position. However, the NINJAS are too much for his poor \par training and they poke him in the eyes.\par \par \pard\qc WILLIAM\par \pard\tab\tab\tab OW!!! That hurt!\par \par He goes to the couch and starts crying. KATHRYN rolls her eyes and goes to the couch to try and \par comfort him. However, a knock on the door comes, and a voice says:\par \par \pard\qc POLICE CHIEF (O.S.)\par \pard\tab\tab\tab Open the door. This is the police chief.\par \par \pard\qc PHENKURSH\par (gasps)\par \pard\li2160 Oh, no. The police chief! The one man who could thwart our plans to hoard \par butter! Quick, my little ninjas, to the Bat Mobile! I mean, the Rent-A-Wreck on \par loan from the NCAA Request Office!\par \pard\par They exit through the various doors and windows as WILLIAM and KATHRYN watch, astonished. \par After PHENKURSH and all the NINJAS are gone, they get up from the couch and answer the door. \par The POLICE CHIEF barges in, along with several WHITE COATS.\par \par \pard\qc POLICE CHIEF\par \pard\tab\tab\tab Are you William Capella?\par \par WILLIAM nods.\par \par \pard\li2160 The same William Capella that called the police station and reported his butter \par missing?\par \pard\par WILLIAM nods again.\par \par \pard\qc WILLIAM\par \pard\tab\tab\tab We found it, but thanks for caring.\par \par \pard\qc POLICE CHIEF\par (ignores him)\par \pard\tab\tab\tab (to the WHITE COATS)\par \tab\tab\tab This is the one. Take him away.\par \par \pard\qc KATHRYN\par \pard\tab\tab\tab Excuse me, but where are you taking my husband?\par \par \pard\qc POLICE CHIEF\par \pard\li2160 Oh, only for a nice, long haul at the nut house where he can find his missing \par butter, and maybe put the cheese back on the cracker. We apologize for the \par inconvenience.\par \pard\par \pard\qc WILLIAM\par (as he struggles to get away)\par \pard\li2160 What? But I\rquote m not crazy! You must have the wrong William Capella. I\rquote ve \par already found my missing butter. As for the cheese slipping off the cracker, \par well, I have no clue as to what you\rquote re talking about there.\par \pard\par \pard\qc WHITE COAT #1\par (not buying it)\par \pard\li2160 Oh, you don\rquote t, do you? Well, where was your missing butter, hmm?\par \pard\par \pard\qc WILLIAM\par \pard\li2160 The National Conspiracy Agents of America was hoarding it and then freezing \par it cryogenically so that when the aliens mutilated the cows into extinction \par they could resell it for ten times the market value! And they were beaming it \par out of people\rquote s microwaves! Can you believe it?\par \pard\par \pard\qc WHITE COAT #1\par \pard\tab\tab\tab No.\par \par The WHITE COATS haul WILLIAM off. The POLICE CHIEF tips his/her hat to KATHRYN, and then \par follows the others. DUNWICH, looking sort of confused, lets herself in.\par \par \pard\qc DUNWICH\par \pard\tab\tab\tab Mrs. Capella?\par \par KATHRYN looks up.\par \par \pard\qc KATHRYN\par \pard\fi720\li1440 Yes?\par \pard\par \pard\qc DUNWICH\par \pard\li2160 I have some news for you. Special Agent Alex Bryant died right after you left \par of a self-inflicted gun wound to the head. I read a quarter of his suicide note \par before I grew bored, but what it said was that he was a pathetic loser who \par could never get women. Personally, I think he was wrong. He was a pathetic \par slimeball loser who was lower than pond scum and could never get women. \par Anyway, I just wanted to tell you in person.\par \pard\par \pard\qc KATHRYN\par \pard\tab\tab\tab I\rquote m so sorry. \par \par \pard\qc DUNWICH\par \pard\li2160 For me? Don\rquote t be. This is the best thing that\rquote s happened since I\rquote ve been \par partnered up with him. Now I can finally get ahead in the Bureau and never \par hear the word \ldblquote alien\rdblquote ever again. No, you should feel sorry for his wife.\par \pard\par \pard\qc KATHRYN\par \pard\tab\tab\tab His wife? I didn\rquote t know he had one.\par \par \pard\qc DUNWICH\par \pard\li2160 Oh, yes. Right after you left and I called him pathetic and left, she apparently \par called to ask him to bring home some butter. According to the coroner and \par the Bureau\rquote s telephone records, he killed himself about three minutes after.\par \pard\par \pard\qc KATHRYN\par \pard\tab\tab\tab I wonder what it could all mean.\par \par \pard\qc DUNWICH\par (shrugs)\par \pard\li2160 Quite frankly, I don\rquote t care. I just thought I should tell you in person that the \par lowest person on earth is now no longer here.\par \pard\par DUNWICH leaves, and KATHRYN sits heavily on the couch.\par \par \pard\qc KATHRYN\par \pard\tab\tab\tab None of this ever happened when I cooked.\par \par \pard\qc THE END\par \par \pard\tab - 7 -\par \par ROLL END CREDITS\par \pard\cf0\lang1033\f1\par }